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Relationships Education

These lessons are very much geared to each year group, to ensure that every child is being provided with the appropriate knowledge and understanding required.  It is the aim of the Government and the Local Authority to ensure that children are well versed with this area of their education.  It is felt, through evidence, that those children who have a greater understanding can make positive choices in the future.

The purpose of Relationship and Sex Education (RSE) is to provide knowledge and understanding of how the human body changes during puberty and the processes of human reproduction, within the context of relationships based on love and respect.  It should develop understanding and attitudes which will help pupils to form relationships in a responsible and healthy manner and to appreciate the value of stable family life, including the responsibilities of parenthood and marriage.

The RSE programme has been developed through collaboration across Initio Learning Trust, using guidance from the National Curriculum, Sexual Health and the PSHE Association.  All teaching materials are appropriate to the age and emotional maturity of the pupils and the teachers will aim to present the programme in an objective, balanced and sensitive manner.


Government guide for parents

Primary -

Secondary -


DFE Statutory guidance on RSE and Health education.


FAQs: Relationships Education, RSE and Health Education (DFE)


Year 5 video links and information


Explain what happens during the menstrual cycle.

The pupils will watch this video about menstruation.


Describe the different types of relationships using the correct terminology.

Pupils will be shown ‘love has no labels’


Year 7 links and information


Explain how to develop self-worth and self-efficacy.

Pupils are going to watch three short clips of young people speaking about self-esteem and how going online can sometimes affect them.


Year 8 links and information


To recognise my own personal identity. 

Pupils will discuss what it means to have their own personal identity. They will have the opportunity to think about what makes them unique and what makes up their identity. Within this lesson we will discuss gender identities and sexual orientations. Pupils will gain more knowledge on key terminology and in turn understand how to use appropriate, sensitive language and be more accepting of others which as a Rights Respecting School we value and encourage. Clips from “What is gender?” will be viewed within the lesson to support the delivery of the terminology linked to gender identity, as well as having the opportunity to hear the views of others.


Explain how FGM is in contradiction with human rights?

Pupils will watch 'My Body My Rules' animation which is a three minute animated film aimed at raising awareness of female genital mutilation (FGM) amongst primary school aged children in the UK.


Explain how Forced Marriage is in contradiction with human rights?

Pupils will watch this clip to explain what a forced marriage is.


They will read Dina’s story:


They will watch and pupils will write to Jess, advising her on what she should have done and why.


FGM and Forced Marriage information and support for parents and guardians:


Childline information about FGM -


Childline information for forced marriage -


FGM one minute guide-


NSPCC information about FGM -


Worried about FGM -

Call the FGM helpline if you're worried a child is at risk of, or has had, FGM.

It's free, anonymous and we're here 24/7.

0800 028 355


Call NSPCC if you are worried about a child - 0800 800 5000.