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Mathematics at Lockyer’s Middle School is far more than the acquisition of skills and knowledge (important though these aspects are). Mathematics teaching at Lockyer’s is about developing personal skills which transcend the subject and develop the individual.

The key feature of mathematics teaching at Lockyer’s is that the children are provided with solutions and are expected to check each question as it is completed in every lesson.  This allows the teacher to provide immediate, meaningful feedback and the opportunity to model and explain in the moment.  This process ensures the children appreciate that learning is not something which is “done to them”.  It is a process in which they are engaged and are responsible for the outcomes. In this way, children at Lockyer's show endeavour and curiosity.  They appreciate that errors are part of the learning process, whilst also appreciating with interest where their errors occurred and how they can improve.

The mastery approach to learning, cultivated through the teaching of mathematics at Lockyer’s, encourages leadership and supports wellbeing as there is ample opportunity for discussion where any method or approach is appreciated and shared. Children are encouraged to show multiple solutions or strategies when discussing a problem or situation. All responses are valid and points of interest are shared and combined to form a journal which reflects the shared responses of the group.

Mathematics is taught in fully mixed ability classes in all year groups at Lockyer’s which helps enormously to eradicate the damage which being in “bottom set” can cause to children’s self-esteem and self-belief in their abilities. By supporting wellbeing in this way, our children's sense of community is enhanced as they appreciate all members of the group can make astute points, showing insight and creativity in their thinking.

Mathematics lessons at Lockyer’s have high expectations; all classes begin with children working at the core expectation for their year group, with more vulnerable learners offered additional resources and materials to ensure they can access the key learning.  Extension “Follow On” tasks are always available for those children who have secured the key learning and are ready for an additional challenge.  Deliberate Practice tasks are woven into lessons and homework, ensuring that previously taught skills and knowledge stay sharp.

How Mathematics links to other Subjects at our School

The use of mathematical patterns in Islam is discussed in Year 8, giving opportunity to extend the personal, moral and spiritual education of our students. Discussion around money management, debt and taxation help our children appreciate the way the world works and prepares them for life beyond the classroom. The teaching of mathematics through the interrogation of data provokes the students to question the veracity of claims made through the media.

How you can help with Mathematics at home

Through initial discussions as our children join the school, and ongoing dialogue through school reports and parents evenings, home-learning supports mathematical development in many ways:

  • Number fluency with regard to times tables is developed through TT Rockstars.  Parents are tasked with ensuring times tables are reinforced on a daily basis. Our children are also given access to a suite of resources via the website Interactive Resources (for which the school pays for an extended site licence).

  • Reading an analogue clock is a skill which should be well developed before any child arrives at Lockyer’s. Where time-telling skills are under-developed, parents are informed and asked to ensure this life skill is secured through further home learning. 

  • Sparx Maths is used to both reinforce core learning and, where appropriate, offer extended challenges. Each set of questions is accompanied by an explanatory video which can be re-watched whenever necessary.