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Our Vision for Computing at Lockyer's Middle School

At Lockyer’s Middle School, we recognise that computing is an integral part of children's lives, both today and for their futures.  Our curriculum has been designed to ensure that all children are given the appropriate learning to allow them to thrive in a digital world, and to recognise how positive communication and collaboration through digital networks will have a favourable impact for all. 

Through our broad curriculum, we provide children with the opportunities to develop their problem-solving skills (computational thinking), creativity and resilience, across a range of topics which offer cross-curricular links, such as calculating with binary number systems, writing screenplays for multimedia presentations or designing systems for use in ‘real-world’ settings.  As is the nature of computing, our curriculum is constantly evolving, and we are committed to providing engaging and relevant lessons which encompass all aspects of the National Curriculum.

How Computing links to other Subjects at our School

The computing curriculum has ‘communication and collaboration’ at its core.  In addition, all children receive regular opportunities to consider numerous age-appropriate e-safety issues, both through lessons and ‘E-safety Day’ events.

How you can help with Computing at home

Through a range of communication channels, such as e-safety newsletters, events and Parents Evenings, parents - and children - are provided with links to a range of materials that can provide opportunities for consolidation of areas of the curriculum being covered in school, or when appropriate, links to resources that provide children with the ability to extend their understanding or pre-learn topics to be covered in future units.  Examples include e-safety resources, BBC Bitesize revision and programming activities.