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Physical Education

Physical Education at Lockyer's Middle School

At Lockyer's Middle School, Physical Education is central to our curriculum and is driven by our commitment to developing students holistically through the Head, Heart, and Hands model. Our curriculum aims to foster physical literacy, promote healthy participation, and build core values through engaging and challenging activities.

  • Head: We focus on developing students' knowledge and understanding of sports and physical activities, including tactics, strategies, and the principles of fitness.

  • Heart: We emphasise the importance of attitude, teamwork, and sportsmanship. Students are encouraged to develop resilience, confidence, and a positive approach to physical challenges.

  • Hands: We ensure that students build and refine their physical skills through practical activities, from fundamental movement skills to advanced techniques in various sports.

Please see the attached document below for more information.

Our P.E. Ethos

  • Content: Our ethos in Physical Education is centred around promoting lifelong engagement in physical activity. We believe that P.E. should be inclusive, enjoyable, and educational, offering every student the opportunity to thrive in a supportive and dynamic environment. Our goal is to instil a love for movement and a commitment to health that extends beyond the classroom.

Assessment in Physical Education

Assessment in P.E. at Lockyer's Middle School is designed to be comprehensive and reflective of our Head, Heart, and Hands model:

  • Head: We assess students' knowledge and understanding through written reflections, strategic planning, and application of sports principles.

  • Heart: Students are evaluated on their attitude, teamwork, and effort. We consider their ability to support and motivate peers, and their overall sportsmanship.

  • Hands: Practical skills are assessed through performance in various sports, including execution of techniques and application of skills in game situations.

How P.E. Builds Core Values                            

Physical Education at Lockyer's Middle School is instrumental in developing core values that are crucial for personal growth and success:

  • Ambition: Through challenging activities and setting personal goals, students learn the value of striving for excellence and overcoming obstacles.

  • Courage: P.E. encourages students to step out of their comfort zones, embrace new challenges, and develop resilience in the face of difficulties.

  • Respect: Our P.E. curriculum promotes respect for others, fair play, and the importance of teamwork and collaboration.

P.E. Road Map

The P.E. Road Map outlines our progressive curriculum and key assessment points across the academic year:

  • Winter Term: Includes the teaching of invasion games and core performance activities.

  • Spring Term: Continues with the teaching of invasion games and core performance activities.

  • Summer Term: Focuses on summer sports through small-sided games, tournaments and athletics.

Please see our PE Road Map attached below.

This road map highlights our progressive curriculum and ensures that key assessment points are clearly identified for each year group, providing a structured and cohesive approach to physical education throughout the school year.

Exploring Career Opportunities

Physical Education is not only about developing skills for sports and fitness but also about opening doors to a variety of career opportunities. At Lockyer's Middle School, we aim to inspire students to explore careers related to P.E. and sports, including:

  • Sports Coaching: Training and guiding athletes to improve their performance.

  • Sports Management: Organising and managing sports teams, events, and facilities.

  • Physical Therapy: Helping injured athletes recover and improve their physical health.

  • Exercise Science: Studying the science of physical exercise and its impact on the body.

  • Sports Education: Teaching physical education in schools or coaching sports teams.

Transferable Skills for All Careers

In addition to specific career paths in sports, the skills developed through Physical Education are highly transferable and beneficial for all future careers. These skills include:

  • Communication Skills: Effective communication with peers, adults, teachers, and coaches is crucial. P.E. helps students develop the ability to articulate their thoughts, give and receive feedback, and collaborate with others.

  • Social Skills: Working alongside others and learning in a group setting builds social skills. Students learn to cooperate, share, and support their teammates, which are essential in any job environment.

  • Cognitive Skills: P.E. encourages thinking and decision-making, whether it's strategizing during a game or reflecting on performance. These cognitive skills are valuable in problem-solving and critical thinking across various professions.

  • Physical Skills: Fundamental movement skills and more complex sport-specific abilities enhance physical coordination and fitness. These skills contribute to overall health and well-being, which is beneficial in any career.

  • Creative Skills: Engaging in sports and physical activities allows students to explore and express themselves creatively. They develop innovative solutions, adapt to new challenges, and devise strategies, fostering creativity and adaptability.

  • Personal Skills: Attitude and approach to learning are key personal skills. P.E. helps students develop perseverance, resilience, and a positive mindset, which are vital for personal and professional success.

Our curriculum provides students with a foundational understanding of these fields, helping them develop relevant skills and knowledge. We encourage students to explore these career paths through guest speakers, career workshops, and extracurricular opportunities in sports and fitness.