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About Us

At Lockyer's, the talents and needs of every pupil are recognised and nurtured. We value the importance of developing the whole child through enriching academic, cultural, creative and sporting endeavours. 

Our aim is to ensure that, through the highest quality teaching of a broad, balanced and challenging curriculum, pupils are encouraged to develop an aspirational mind set which will enable them to respond positively to life’s challenges and opportunities. 

Our excellent pastoral care system fosters an environment where children feel safe and able to learn. Our expectations of high standards of behaviour and self-discipline encourage children to grow into respectful, inclusive global citizens.

Our School - Our Values

Our core values drive our commitment to everybody achieving the best possible outcomes for themselves, engaging with learning, valuing the role that we each play and taking pride in our school and community.


All of our pupils and staff are encouraged to have ambitious aspirations and to have the mindset that everything is possible with hard work and a positive attitude. For pupils, this may centre on achieving high results, but may also include ambitions in the arts, design and technology or sports. We are laying the foundation for future greatness by appreciating each person's ambitions.


We value courage because we know that change can be difficult and it takes courage to try new things. It takes courage to do the right thing and stand by your principles. Courage is required at every level, from the moment you start your first day of school, to joining your first club and working hard to your last day of school. We value our pupils and staff who have the courage to step out of their comfort zones and persevere in the pursuit of excellence.


We value respect because healthy connections with others are the foundation of success in life. Staff and pupils are taught to treat themselves with the utmost respect and to recognise their importance as individuals. Respect for others, their similarities and differences, is something else we value. Being successful in school and in life requires respect for ones self and others.