Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Information
Article 23 - You have a right to special education and care if you have a disability.
Lockyer's Middle School SEND Team:
SEND Lead - Mrs Jasmine Adams - jadams@lockyersmiddle.org
SEND Administrator - Mrs Sue Yates - syates@lockyersmiddle.org
We have high aspirations for all pupils, including those identified as having special educational needs and/or disabilities (SEND). We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all pupils whatever their needs, abilities and learning differences.
For the majority of pupils, their needs will be met by our provision of a well-balanced, carefully planned and scaffolded curriculum in which skilled and diverse teaching strategies are employed. Some pupils will require some degree of extra support in their learning for varying periods of time, according to their level of need.
We recognise that some pupils will need more specialist and targeted support to engage fully in school life and meet their full potential if they are experiencing emotional or mental health difficulties, or have a specific learning difficulty or physical disability. These pupils will have a personalised Learning Plan and identified targets, strategies and provisions to support them.
Initio Learning Trust SEND Intranet Site
Dorset Local Offer - This link provides information on SEND provision across Dorset.