Our Vision for Music at Lockyer's Middle School
Lockyer’s Middle School aims to provide every child with a rich, wide-ranging and exciting music curriculum, fully supported by a range of extracurricular activities. We actively encourage all children to participate in practical music-making during lessons, as well as taking part in any number of our additional clubs, instrumental lessons and concerts in the wider community. We believe that music is an essential part of every child’s learning journey, boosting motivation and confidence, as well as complimenting the wider school curriculum. Music lessons are a unique opportunity for all children to experience and appreciate cultures from around the world through composing, listening and performing.
How Music links to other Subjects at our School
Music is an effective cross-curricular tool as it supports and strengthens creative language skills, auditory memory, numeracy skills through rhythmic notation and counting, descriptive language through stylistic appraisal and historical awareness which is fundamental to understanding the world we live in.
How you can help with Music at home
Parents and carers are asked to support their child’s musical journey by encouraging them to take up an instrument and/or join a club, and providing additional listening opportunities at home as well as through discussions about what they’ve learnt and explored in music lessons.
BBC offers some great resources for learning music at home
The Poole Lighthouse hosts a variety of music performances each month often featuring the world-famous Bournemouth Symphony Orchestra (definitely worth seeing!)
BBC offers a free online platform to develop and find your voice. Please visit:
This is a fantastic interactive platform to explore and learn about electronic music making